Clank! Deck Building dungeon game.

Hello everybody sorry about the delay in posting. We have been busy moving our store J and D hobbies to our new location 600 Broadway in Massapequa New York. Now that we have been up and running for almost 2 weeks I am able to get back to do doing what I like best, playing new games and reviewing them for all you people out there. The latest review is on the Game Clank!


I want to preface it by saying I am a terrible card player Pokémon and Magic the Gathering feel like I am speaking in another language so I was iffy about playing this deck building game. I was really pleasantly surprised and I have found myself reaching for this game over several of my more traditional war games. The guys in my store and I, played this game 5 times over the past 2 weeks and now I can give an informed opinion. Its Awesome. Each and every game has gotten better and better. Ill break it down like we always do starting with the components.

Clank components

They are simple but elegant. The players are represented by a colored wooden figure with a corresponding number of small wooden block. The dragon is represented by the dragon wooden depiction and the black blocks. The black bag where the blocks go is well made and very durable. The map is great looking and enhances the game play by being double sided with an easy side (which is seen here) and a more difficult side.

Clank dungeon map

The cards are great looking and also very functional and easy to understand.

Clank Cards

The setting up of the game is easy and varies from game to game so each game is a little different. In the simplest terms the players are thieves attempting to steal treasure from a dragon. As they move through the dungeon they clank and make noise and attract the dragon’s attention. As they meander in the dungeon the dragon gets closer and closer. Its pressure filled and fun! Do you try to get out of the dungeon early leaving the other players to fend for themselves or do you stay and try to get the most treasure and win with the best hand. That’s the dilemma facing the players. I can honestly say this is one of the best games I have played in a long time. I highly recommend it for it’s simple play and high replay value. It is a great addition to family game night and a great introduction to the gaming world. You can get clank by clicking on the link below or you can come down to our new store J and D Hobbies at 600 Broadway in Massapequa New York.

Clank !

Amazon $59.99

Play Value 10/10

Replay value 8/10

Overall Value 10/10

Must have Level!

Let me know what you think of my review and let me know if there are any other games you would like me to review at bob@table-top-war-games.com and you can check out clank and a lot of other games here at www.table-top-war-games.com and learn all the latest and greatest news about my all time favorite game Advanced Squad Leader at www.theadvancedsquadleaderexperience.com.


Robert Tufano


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